Wednesday 28 May 2014

The water cycle

Why do you need water?

Only about 3% of all this water is fresh and most of the fresh water is solid frozen in icecaps and glaciers.  All living things need water to survive and to do water sports.

As the temperature changes, water alters its shape and appearance into water vapour.

When the water vapour cools, it condenses into small droplets which form into clouds.

The droplets join and gravity cause the water to fall back down to earth in the form of rain.

In conclusion, the water cycle goes round and round and round.  One day there will be no water because we will drink it all and there won’t be enough.

Keleigh Barnsley

Thursday 22 May 2014

Term 2 goals

My Goal
Date set:
What do I need to do to achieve my goal?
Did I achieve my goal?

Writing - to use my own ideas

By using more wow words in my writing


To multiply 2 digits by 2 digits

Whaea Sam to help me and to practice

Values Based


On task behaviour, keep saying how I feel